Quick Health Data Online

The Office on Women’s Health provides national leadership and coordination to improve the health of women and girls through policy, education and model programs.

QRS completed a series of multiyear contracts with DHHS/ OSOPHS/Office on Women’s Health to develop and maintain Quick Health Data Online. This online system provided an interactive tool for public health researchers, policy makers, and other professionals to assess the health status of women and minority populations across the nation. The majority of the database’s indicators were available at the national, regional, state and county-levels for all 50 states, DC and US territories and possessions and were presented by gender and race. The online system also enabled users to construct maps and charts. Topics presented in the system included Demographics, Maternal and Reproductive Health, Chronic and Infectious Disease, Mortality, Prevention, and Violence. Under this contract QRS also prepared comprehensive reports for each of the 10 federal regions describing the health status of women and minority populations, and provided on-site training in each state, DC, and Puerto Rico.

Recent Contracts

Quality Resource Systems, Inc. maintains the following contracts with GSA in addition to those with individual contracting authorities:
