Department of Defense Health Systems Analysis

The Atlas enables DoD planners and managers to interactively examine almost 200 variables of interest.

QRS recently completed two multi-year contracts for the Department of Defense/Health Affairs. In an Analysis of Civilian Market Capacity in the Vicinity of Military Treatment Facilities, QRS analyzed the demand placed on the DoD health system by military personnel, dependents, and retirees. QRS assessed the utilization of civil sector resources in the vicinity of DoD installations and estimated the ability of the civil sector to handle a portion of DoD’s health care needs. Staff analyzed patient-level military health system data, health resource data, and resource utilization data. In a second contract, QRS developed a CD-based Military Health Atlas. The Atlas enables DoD planners and managers to interactively examine almost 200 variables of interest. Variables include the location of military and civilian hospitals, health centers, and health care providers; population demographics and characteristics; and mortality, natality, disease, and behavioral data. The majority of data are available at the census tract or zip code level to enable assessment of local areas.

Recent Contracts

Quality Resource Systems, Inc. maintains the following contracts with GSA in addition to those with individual contracting authorities:
